District Trails

Updated 9/20/23
The New York Creek Nature Trail is a 1.5 mile/28 acre, unpaved, multi-use, north/south directional trail with the northern-most connection point across from Jackson Elementary School at Art Weisberg Park and the southernmost connection point across from Oak Ridge High School along Harvard Boulevard at Community The Park. The unpaved walking and biking trail meanders alongside New York Creek with 28 acres of native vegetation and wildlife. For more information regarding New York Creek Trail, click here.

The Second District Trail, is the Saratoga Recreation Trail. The mostly decomposed granite and concrete public recreation multi-use trail provides an east-west connection between the Crescent Ridge Neighborhood on Platt Circle through Saratoga Estates and connects to the larger Promontory Trail system. The trail is accessible through the pedestrian gate at the entrance of Saratoga Estate to access the Promontory Trail. The recreation trail includes 2 picnic tables and 2 benches to rest or enjoy a snack or picnic before connecting to the larger Promontory trail system, which extends from Saratoga Way to Alexandra Drive (approximately 3 miles). You can also access the Recreation Trail at the District's Saratoga Trailhead, which was opened in June 2022 and is located at Saratoga Way and Saratoga Estates. The trailhead includes a small parking lot, shade structure with picnic tables, and a bike fix-it station. The Trailhead is located at the southern-most starting point connection for the Promontory Trail, which extends from Saratoga Estates to Promontory Community Park. For a video tour of the Saratoga Trailhead, see here!

The District's third multi-use trail near Murray Homestead Park connects with the Highland View HOA trail. To learn more about this trail, click here.

The District's fourth multi-use trail at the Utility Corridor is currently in pre-construction stages. To learn more about the project, click here

map           Saratoga Recreation Trail - Copy - Copy               
From Left to Right: New York Creek Nature Trail; Saratoga Recreation Trail;
mem_bio_wetland_edhcsd_beatty_edhblvd_fnl_202111012_Trail Alignment                       Highland CSD Trail - Copy.PNG (2)

(From Left to Right: Utility Corridor Recreation Trail (pre-Construction) and CSD's Trail in Highland View within HOA trail

To learn about the trail opportunities in the District, read the article on local trails in the Fall/Winter 2022 Community Resource and Activity Guide. Click here for the resource.

District Trails Map

The District’s first Trail Map is here! The Trail Map and Pocket Guide is folded to fit into your pocket and highlights the publicly accessible paths, trails and bikeways within the El Dorado Hills CSD boundary. Specifically, it maps the paved and unpaved public trails, and the Class I, II, and III Bikeways. It also includes the Serrano maintained publicly accessible unpaved trails, which we received permission to map. The goal of the map is to show the locations and the connectivity between trails to assist you with outdoor recreation and connecting to other community destinations. You can map out your next hike, walk, or ride using the pocket guide and keep it with you while you explore. 

You can download the Trail Map Pocket Guide by clicking the image below. You can now pick up printed Trail Map Pocket Guides for free at the Resident Services Office at the El Dorado Hills Community Services District located at 1021 Harvard Way.

Trail map image  
Click the Image to download the map.

Bikeway Classification
Class I - Include bikeways or bike paths with an exclusive right of way for bicyclists and pedestrians, away from the roadway and with cross flows by motor traffic minimized.

Class II - Include bikeways with established bike lanes along streets that are defined by pavement striping and signage to delineate a portion of the roadway for bicycle travel. Bike lanes are one-way facilities, typically striped adjacent to motor traffic traveling in the same direction.

Class III - Include bike routes that designate a preferred route for bicyclists on streets shared with motor traffic not served by dedicated bikeways to provide continuity to the bikeway network.